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How Not to Care What People Think: The 4 Steps to Staying True to Self ($2.99 USD Kindle Edition)

How Not to Care What People Think: The 4 Steps to Staying True to Self ($2.99 USD Kindle Edition)

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How Not to Care What People Think, is an easy-to-read mini book, written for those held hostage to the validation, opinions and judgements of others.

In this small, but insightful book you will learn:

- The number one regret of the dying, and its link to living an authentic life.

- The 4 secrets to why we don’t need to take things personal, (no matter what is said).

- How not taking things personal is the gateway to
Authentic Love.

- Plus, the 4 Self-Love Steps to releasing the emotional grip of others, on us.

If you lose your internal posture because of the pressure of others, or you abandon your life because you care too much what others think, then How Not to Care What Other’s Think is a book written specifically for you.

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